Delivering Creative
Solutions in Africa…
JD Lab is a tech solution company in Nigeria. We have a vast range of innovative products aimed at solving core African problems using emerging technologies.
We inspire the future of entrepreneurship in Africa through education to help cultivate innovation and creativity in young vibrant talents

Areas of Focus
Inefficient paper work and snaky queues have bedeviled the Education process in Nigeria and Africa.
JSP (JD School Portal) is a complete solution; easy to use, with minimal or no training, it also provides backups to prevent data loss. JSP can be customized to fit for different schools and different use cases.

The greatest resource of any organization or state is its people. A digitized economy and a well equipped work force will reduce poverty. The ability to generate resources, solve societal problems and increase economic benefits in any organization is firmly rooted in HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT.

More than ever before, there is need to reduce market barriers and allow for convenient payment options in Africa. Rustic Swish is an internet payment gateway targeted at allowing convenient payments for schools and facilitate payments in Africa

A worldwide revolution in ICT is occurring. Companies, schools, and SMEs have all keyed into the digitized world and the Government is not left behind. Governments around the world are transitioning from analog to digital to save cost, increase productivity, accountability and transparency.

Our Solutions
We are focused on building solutions that would enable people
and businesses thrive in Africa.

JSP is built with the latest technological tools and standards with 99.99% security and speed. Every institution is different, it is designed to support schools of all sizes and structure.
JSP handles candidate applications, student’s registration, course registration, result management system, seamless fee payments that is integrate-able with banks and e-payments gateway with 24/7 support and maintenance plus 5 years guarantee.

JD Lab Academy has coached people be better innovators, we provide first-class training in information technology for individuals (basic to advance computing), corporate and public organizations with an aim of filling the technological gap between undergraduates, graduates, and staff.
OUR GOAL: is to train 30,000 people in the field of IT by 2025.
Netbuildr Africa (Building Brands )

Netbuildr is a one-stop shop site builder that focuses on developing AI driven websites and online presence for millions of people in Sub Saharan Africa.
Without any coding skills, you can build your stunning website and in less than 24hours your brand will go live.

Our Success Stories
businesses thrive in Africa.

Brands we’ve worked with

at affordable rates, learn then Earn!
JD Lab Academy has coached people be better innovators, we provide first-class training in information technology for individuals (basic to advance computing), corporate and public organizations with an aim of filling the technological gap.